
Who knows what you might find here... but likely it will be about our kids and the wonderful family that God has built for us. As always, we can't wait!! -- "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27 NIV

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Location: United States

Monday, May 11, 2009

Is it soup yet???

So I keep hesitating to post because I just know that at any minute now we'll have our homestudy in our hot little hands and be able to post an Alleluia!! post... but as of yet, we're stilllllll waiting for it. We've seen the draft (yayyy!), sent changes we thought appropriate, and are now waiting for the final copy. We know it's in the works, and more importantly, we know Who's in control, but... your prayers are certainly appreciated. After the homestudy is complete, the other long wait is next - immigration (doesn't that just sound almost as much fun as a homestudy?). Thankfully, that's pretty much the last thing, so hopefully, we'll be ready to send it all off "soon".

We had a fund raising Premier Designs jewelry party the other night and so far, we've raised about half of Baby Benton's immigration fees (thanks ladies!!). Our kind friend Cynthia (aka "The Jewelry Lady") has twice generously donated most of her profits towards this, and she's almost as excited about the prospect as we are. If you missed it and want in, just let me know. :o)

Some exciting news, Johnny is DUN with classes and has his LAST exam today!!! It's a doozie - astronautical engineering (gulp) - at 6:30pm Colorado time tonight, so please pray for him. He's got a 'B' in that class right now and has worked really hard!! Then graduation is on Wednesday, 5/27, and the girls are counting down the dayz. We're all so excited to be going, and so blessed to have a whole entourage' of extended family going as well!! We're so stinkin' proud of that boy, it's hard to stay biblical.

Tamra graduates this weekend :o) and shhhhh... a certain cadet plans to slip into town (since his classes are finished) and join in the festivities. He'll likely surprise his little sibs in the process and that'll be fun!!

Wedding news - the date has been set (9/26, unless AF says otherwise), the dress has been chosen and fitted (she's so beautiful), the location has been chosen, and I'm sure 100 other details that I'm not yet privy to have already been set in motion too. Now, if we could just get his graduation announcements out before the wedding invitations... haha (sniff, sniff).

Ok, Let's Roll!!


Blogger Lisa A : Izabella said...

Ahhh....I'm jealous we won't be there again this year. We attend (as you know) last year's graduation for our nephew--and it's an amazing and moving experience. I can't imagine how it will be for a MOM of an AFA Grad! Wow...thinking of you! Safe travels and have a wonderful weekend.

Lisa A

10:22 PM  
Blogger Kooky said...

OH MY GOSH! The date is SET?!?!?! OH TONI! We need to have breakfast somewhere, NOW! THIS 9/26???? Wait, why is that date in my head?!?! AHHHHHH! That's my Becca Boo's birthday!!! OH WOW!!!!

Call me, email me. Do both. Something!


9:25 AM  
Blogger Dawn said...

OH my!! I am so excited for you and all of the wonderful things going on with you guys!!!!

10:35 PM  

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